Functional medicine is different from conventional medicine. A diagnosis of acute healthcare conditions like infection may need medicine. But this approach can fall short of what a patient may need. It can do so especially if it involves a chronic condition such as neurological or digestive issues. Chronic conditions can only get short-term relief from conventional medicine. The patient will not experience complete healing.
Functional medicine entails a holistic process that works for each patient. It looks at your diet, lifestyle, and family history. It helps see if the condition affecting you has a link to any of these factors. The in-depth inquiry helps specialists suggest potential changes that can improve your health.
Specialists work to consider your emotional, mental, and physical health. They can look at your spiritual health too. They examine aspects such as hormonal changes, genetics, and diets.
Many individuals suffer from chronic and complex diseases such as cancer, and treatment is what is sought after the most. As a result, some problems become permanent. Thus, patients control their symptoms with a lifetime supply of drugs.
Patients need to experience complete healing. They can do so by embracing an approach that deals with the root cause of the problems. Thus, functional medicine is essential.
Everyone is different. Functional medicine personalizes the treatment for the patient and not the health condition. Specialists find ways to enable the mechanisms of the body to resolve the problem. The body has a complex network of interconnected relationships.
It has systems that create a delicate balance through their interconnection. As a result, it can regulate itself. Sometimes, your body is knocked off balance due to some health condition. But it can heal itself and prevent almost all ailments of aging. Health is not only the absence of disease. It is a state of great vitality.
Functional medicine can benefit anyone suffering from a chronic health condition. Below are some of the conditions it treats:
Adrenal disorders
Thyroid disorders
Alzheimer’s disease
Cancer prevention
Cardiovascular disease
Digestive disorders
Menopause, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and PMS
You will fill in a medical history questionnaire before your first visit. Expect to answer questions about your lifestyle, medical family history, and environment. The questionnaire will help the specialist know what they need to examine. You may also talk about health goals and discuss treatment and follow-up appointments.
For more about functional medicine, visit Quantum Chiropractic at our office in Sacramento, California. Call (916) 616-1595 to book an appointment today.